
Shades of Grey in Abstract Painting

Shades of Grey in Abstract Painting

Vibrant colour is exciting, sometimes overwhelming and occasionally hard to live with. Grey on the other hand can be calming and may be easy on the eye. The trick is to add interest with texture, shape, line and variation of these elements.

Three Stages of an Abstract Painting

Three Stages of an Abstract Painting

Sometimes as an artist you simply get too close to your work to see it objectively. Of course this could simply be what happens to me. This video shows two paintings: one is a painting that I was going to put white gesso all over in order to start again. Several...

Textured Non-Objective Painting Numero UNO

Textured Non-Objective Painting Numero UNO

This video is a continuation of a previous one that shows the process used to add texture to a painting. I have shown the first finished abstract piece of eight paintings in my January painting schedule. This particular painting will need to have the edges painted,...

Feedback and New Direction for 2010

Feedback and New Direction for 2010

Covent Garden Gallery in Ontario's beautiful Prince Edward County has shown my work for a few years. My RedEye Gallery partners Jennifer Hinrichs and Michael Steinhauser first met Covent Gallery owner Michael and we enjoyed two years of reciprocal cross- promotion...

A Personal Aesthetic Contributes to Good Work

A Personal Aesthetic Contributes to Good Work

Not everyone has a need or desire for beauty, but beauty has inspired the best in what's human since before recorded time. If art is soul work - beauty feeds my soul. In these last few days the winds and changing light of September have contributed to full and rich...

Art Fairs – Not Just Entertainment

Art Fairs – Not Just Entertainment

Art Fairs and Art Tours proliferate in central Ontario and some artists travel from show to show. The upside for the artist is in getting to talk to a lot of people both the public and other artists. The downside is the amount of work involved for a very uncertain...

Selecting Art for Two

Selecting Art for Two

This will not be the first painting that this young couple purchase. They have several original pieces in their home. However, it is the first piece that they have selected together. They started by browsing all of the available paintings that I have listed and...